Yeah : the last part. Happy and unhappy to write this, happy for my healt, unhappy because I really didn't want to return back to Belgium, but I had no other choice. This is why :
So this is how the story ends ;
The first night in Italy some lady dropped me in a little village close to Milan. I felt shitty but nothing new there, though his night was different. I took a couple of medicines and crawled into my bed around 20h00. I slept until 16h00 the next day (!)- that is about 20 hours of sleep - and got woken up by some Italian farmers who were surprised to see me still sleeping on their field. They started to speak (Italian) to me, the only thing I really remember is the the world was spinning, and I thought I was dreaming (not a good one) or whatever because suddenly there are some old people speaking Italian to me - WTF - that was so surreal. So at the end the ambulance came, got to sleep in the hospital for one night and they told me after taking my blood and all the rest check-ups, I'm okay. Just have to take another antibiotics treatment. I couldn't really believe this because I felt really terrible but again they assured me I'm "okay".
After this I got to rest in a B&B for a couple of days (the insurance paid for it). After this I visited France, Monaco, Andorra. Andorra was very nice, but hitchhiking to Andorra from Monaco was just so exhausting that I decided not go continue to Portugal or Spain. I was planning on going there and try to overwinter somewhere in the South.
And then I still felt tired so enough is enough and I took the TGV back home ( My parents bought a TGV ticket for me). I went ONE TIME to the doctor here and he immediately saw what was really the case, 'toxoplasmose', probably by eating unwashed vegetables. Once home I had to rest for 1 month, and I felt tired for more then 6 months. I was carrying the disease somewhere at the beginning of the second month, so almost 2 months of travelling with this, explains a lot.... (BURP)
(*▽*)☞ Sooo :
Don't always trust the doctors in foreign countries, because I had the feeling they don't really care that much. Or it was just me having bad luck with certain doctors. Anyway listen to your own body is the most precious advice I can give from this trip.
And wash your vegetables ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
But it was also me and the will to keep hitchhiking that I didn't want to return and hoped that I would just recover on the trip.
Anyway it was a fantastic experience! Just amazing and life changing on so many ways for me.
I will write a review on this trip soon ( Link will come here then)
Take care to who ever may read this and may your vegetables be ever in your favour.
Ciao ciao (brown cow)
Me after the night in the hospital, going back to the farmers because my tent, sleeping bag and most off my stuff remaind there.
So weird to see this picture :) |
The B&B (from the inscurance) where I stayed 2 nights |
Italy, Milaan! |
Monacooo |
France, Pyrenees |
Principat d'Andorra
So much energyyyy
In france I visited 'Cirque du Gavarnie'
So beautiful |
Info : From top of the Cirque is almost at 3km, and the base is at a height of 1km. Do the math... |
TGV Lourdes-Lille |
Arriving back home
-.- and :D Hmmm |