First day arriving in Switzerland a guy dropped me in the middle of a small town, kind of strange but he was friendly. Anyway I wandered around and looked where I could sleep and stuff, the usual routine withouh a lot of money... Then I bumped in to a Women in a Bio-Shop, and we had a really good connection immediately, and she invited me to her place and offered me a bed. Amazing :)

When leaving this familly I decided to stay in Switzerland because it is really an amazing country, so beautiful. On the highway I met a girl who told me I could work on her mothers farm for some money, or just volunteering. I took her invitation and went with her to the farm.
Really nice people and so cool to meet such a open minded people.

The next day when I woke up, I was totally sick. So I couldn't really work or whatever, but they told me I could recover as long as I needed. I spent a week and a half at the farm, got to know the entire familly. We did some sightseeing in Switzerland to, and the end of staying with the familly I felt 'better', but still I thaught there is somethin wrong.  

Now when I look back at it, it explains a lot that I didn't got better because I didn't now I had 'toxoplasmose', the kitty disease.
Bad kitty.


Very very bad kitty.

On our way to a event called the Sbrinz route. The people used to take the Cheese over the hills to the Italian side of the Alps, it was an long trip over the alps, they used Horses to carry the cheese. Today the route isn't used anymore as in the past offcourse, but they still do it for tourisme. Interesting! 

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