1200 km

When I woke up in the little house from the Polish family I had to decide what to do. First thing first -> the inside from my tent had a big crack, and every night it got bigger and bigger and I was scared for the bugs to crawl in..... Spiders @ night is not cool. This had to be fixed and luckely the daughter could knit it back together and the plan to GO EAST got more real. The familly gave me some food and water.

The ride to Lithuania was going to be a hard one
 because Poland is big country and due to the fighting and bombing of Russia against Germany in 2th World War on Polish territory, Poland doesn't have a lot of highways. The more you go to the East the worse it gets but I got through Warschau close to the border of Lithaunia.     

Just before the border after long waiting I came across with 2 Polish girls, Lila & Rose, who went to a festival in the North of Lithuania and told me I could come with them and maybe help at there. So we drove to the middle of nowhere in the forests where some people are having a psychedelic festival. It was an special experience where I met a lot of 'alternative' people. Lila & Rose were amazing and their stories about the travelling they did in the past and way of live was inspiring! When I did my story at the festival they invited me with open arms and they put me on the team where I worked at the VIP entrance

After the festival I decided to go back to Poland because I felt really tired and got to cold to go up north, which was sad because I was close to Latvia and Estonia. I was wondering why I felt this way at that time but I didn't know that I got "toxoplasmose", once I was back in Belgium the doctors told me. Normally not so harmfull if you are healthy but in my case with this way of travelling my resistance was lower so it will get me good # f☺.

great Polish familly who invited my back at their place when they picked me up

close to Lithuania

 Lila & Rose

arriving at 'Nibiru' in Northern Lithuania

preparing the festival - this guy had knit everything himself

some vegan cooking skills 

working ...

  Check the party out   

here I got out with Lila & Rose 

last night in Lithuania

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