1200 km

The next goal was Ukrain so I had to go back to Poland because for entering Belarus you need a visum. After a few crappy rides I got on the good direction and that evening I was searching for a sleeping place and ended up with some nice company. He told me I could stay there for 2 days in his garden and take a rest which felt really good! At the evening when he came back from his work we ate together and had a nice meal along with his daughter.

Two days later his daughter and her boyfriend dropped me at a good direction for entering Ukrain. I
t was really hard to hitchhike to the border from Ukrain and when I would arrive they told me I needed an international pasport and that I shall not pass ?! It reminded me of something.. This was one of the worst moments so far, I got really demotivated and was wondering  " why the ... am I doing this ".

happy times ... ☜(*▽*)☞  

The following days I wasn't so motivated, felt tired and was sick of the cars and people who didn't understand me. But the feeling turned arround with some nice rides and happy people. I drove a long way with a family who dropped me just over the border in Hungary where I got out that night in a small town.I remember the lights were on but nobody was on the streets, it was kind of strange, I wondered arround and put my tent near a church (under Gods protection). 

When I woke up I looked around in the town and noticed there were a lot of gypsies. 
That same day I would get to know a friendly younglady, Wanda, and through her I ended up in a bar where I started talking with the barkeeper and the owner about my trip. Later that night they introduced me to their friends and we ended up all evening talking and they invited me back to their house and offered a bed to sleep. So the next day I got to know the familly who were wonderfull, we had dinner in a restaurant and later on we did some sightseeing in Miskolc.

the house where I could stay for a couple of days

some nice company with Marta and her father

thumbs up

the border from Ukrain

some Ukrainian guys who I didn't understand offcourse

Polish couple 

a Russian truck, the closest I will get to Russia

first night in Miskolc

praying for some good times

and then I met Wanda...

the bar 

and the owner 

thug lifeee 

the barkeeper and boyfriend, Zsófi, Nora, me, the owner and István   

the mother treated us on a dinner 

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